My Heart Breathes Soul
Love at first sight
I gaze through my window, feasting my eyes upon the purity of the whitest landscape my mind could ever imagine. I’m in awe — a freak snowstorm hit while I was sleeping — I’ve never experienced snow before.
I turn to look at the neighbours yard and in delight, I spy a glorious snowman. Although I’m not dressed for the weather, I sprint outside, grinning as I stop in front of this perfect specimen.
What I am facing is pure joy!
Green coat shimmering with frosted edges, black top-hat sprinkled with perfect snowflakes, a tiny carrot nose and the blackest of eyes — I’m in love.
I wrap my arms around his shoulders and almost faint when I hear a throaty whisper.
“Hello beautiful girl, thank you for honouring me with your heart,” my snowman whispers.
And yes before you question me, I knew the moment I laid eyes on him, he was destined to be mine.
“What’s your name handsome? You can call me Sally,” I bashfully enlighten him.
His twiggy lips curl up in a smile as he informs me his name is Larry.
I reach over to hug him again, feeling his shoulders harden as his head leans to lay upon my shoulder. I glance down to see he’s wearing brown trousers and he…