My Car Accident Was Preordained

I didn’t stand a chance

Colleen Millsteed


My Car Accident Was Preordained. I didn’t stand a chance. A Non-Fiction Short Story written by Colleen Millsteed.
Photo by Popescu Andrei Alexandru on Unsplash

I was twenty one years of age and the year was 1987, when I purchased a new ‘used’ car. This new car looked like a brand new station wagon but it was in fact second hand.

Until this day I had only ever owned cars that were not much to look at but as Dad was a mechanic, the cars run better than they looked.

In 1987, I paid more than I ever had before for a car, that both looked new and was mechanically sound. I was so proud of this car, but it was this car that was to share my preordained fate over the coming months.

Three months after I purchased this vehicle, I was heading to work one morning and was stopped behind two or three other cars at a red traffic light. I happened to glance in my rear vision mirror, noted the Commodore stopped behind me. However coming up behind the Commodore was a Holden Statesman and I could see that it was moving too fast. It was not going to be able to stop in time and sure enough it rear-ended the Commodore.

The Commodore was then pushed forward until it hit me in the rear end. Luckily I was able to slam on the brakes to stop me being pushed into the rear of the car in front of me.

We did the usual exchange of details, as no one was injured, and went about our day. I was truly devastated at…



Colleen Millsteed

Top Writer in Poetry. I’m a Finance Manager with a love of both numbers and words.